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Welcome to the Wootric API documentation!

You can use our API to access and update your end users, responses and declines.

All responses from the API (including errors) are in JSON. All code examples are in cURL.


Currently, Wootric supports three main environments: the EU, AU and US.

All examples provided in this section are for the US environment only. If you want to run these examples on the EU or AU environment, you need to replace the .com domain with .eu or .au.

To determine if your account runs on the EU or AU environment now, check if your account token begins with NPS-EU or NPS-AU.


To retrieve an access token using OAuth if you have one account on Wootric, use the following code:

curl -i \
     -F grant_type=password \
     -F username=<youremailaddress> \
     -F password=<yourpassword>

To retrieve an access token using OAuth if you multiple accounts on Wootric, you would need to pass your account token as query paarameter to the URL as following:

curl -i \
     -F grant_type=password \
     -F username=<youremailaddress> \
     -F password=<yourpassword>

The above command returns the following JSON:


To retrieve a new access token after it has expired, use this code:

curl -i \
     -F grant_type=refresh_token \
     -F refresh_token="<yourrefreshtoken>"

The above command returns the following JSON:


To retrieve an access token using credentials, use this code:

curl -X POST \
     -F grant_type=client_credentials \
     -F client_id=<yourclientid> \
     -F client_secret=<yourclientsecret>

The above command returns the following JSON:


Access tokens can be retrieved using either grant_type of password with your account email and password, or grant_type of client_credentials with your application client_id and client_secret.

Wootric expects the token to be included in all API requests regardless of grant_type of password or client_credentials. We recommend to send your token as HTTP Authorization Header, for example

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <youraccesstoken>"

Access tokens expire 2 hours after creation. New access_token can be obtained using refresh tokens as detailed in the cURL example to the right.


$ curl -I -s -H "Authorization: Bearer <youraccesstoken>" -X GET ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 100
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 97
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 1537971859

We recently introduced usage limits to some of our API endpoints, which only allow for a certain number of requests within a minute. When that limit is reached, the API starts responding with HTTP status 429 and the client is only allowed to continue querying the API after a minute has passed. To find out if the endpoints you’re using are affected by these limits and how many requests you’re allowed to perform within a minute, check the X-Rate-Limit-* headers included in each API response (see below). If you can’t find these headers it means that the endpoint is not limited.

Header Description
X-Rate-Limit-Limit The maximum number of requests that the client can perform on this account within a minute.
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining The number of remaining requests.
X-Rate-Limit-Reset A timestamp indicating when the counter will be reset.

End Users

End User Object

A end user object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of end user
created_at datetime Datetime representation of when the end user was created
updated_at datetime Datetime representation of when the end user was last updated
email string End user email
last_surveyed datetime Datetime representation of when the end user was last surveyed
external_created_at integer UNIX timestamp of when the end user was created externally
last_seen_at datetime Datetime representation of when the end user was last seen
properties hash Properties (i.e. plan, product)
phone_number string End user phone number
external_id string An optional unique string identifier
last_response hash The last response of the end user
settings hash The end user’s settings (i.e. email_nps, mobile_nps)

Last Response

The last_response hash has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id string The ID of response
score integer The response’s score
text string The response’s comment
survey hash The survey object data


The survey hash has the following field:

Attribute Type Description
channel string The channel of the survey

Get All End Users

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "created_at" : "2014-12-01 18:36:59",
    "updated_at" : "2014-12-01 18:36:59",
    "email": "",
    "last_surveyed": null,
    "external_created_at": null,
    "properties": {
      "plan": "Small Business",
      "product": "Example"
    "phone_number": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "last_response": null,
    "settings": {
      "email_nps": true,
      "mobile_nps": true,
      "web_nps": true,
      "force_mobile_survey": null,
      "force_web_survey": null,
      "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null
    "id": 2,
    "created_at": "2018-01-02 23:03:41 -0800",
    "updated_at": "2018-01-16 23:07:03 -0800",
    "email": "",
    "last_surveyed": "2018-01-07 15:30:44 -0800",
    "external_created_at": 1515940485,
    "last_seen_at": null,
    "properties": {
      "country": "UK",
      "persona": "Individual",
      "pricing_plan": "Lite",
      "product_plan": "Mobile",
      "purchase_date": 1494569021,
      "revenue_amount": 10000
    "phone_number": null,
    "external_id": "e9a12f9aa245cfd5",
    "last_response": {
      "id": 505550023,
      "score": 9,
      "text": "It's a great service.",
      "survey": {
        "channel": "mobile:ios"
    "settings": {
      "email_nps": true,
      "mobile_nps": true,
      "web_nps": true,
      "force_mobile_survey": null,
      "force_web_survey": null,
      "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null

This endpoint retrieves all end users.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your end users and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page (optional) integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page (optional) integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created (optional) hash {} Filter your end users by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP&created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
updated (optional) hash {} Filter your end users by update time (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (updated[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP&updated[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
email (optional) string None Filter end users by email (will return an array containing a single end user object if the end user with provided email exists)
sort_order (optional) string asc Order in which records are shown. Default is oldest first. Options are asc or desc
sort_key (optional) string email Sort your results based on this attribute. Default is end_user’s email. It could be one of email, updated_at, created_at.
surveys_disabled (optional) boolean false Filter your end users by their survey status (if they are opted out from receiving surveys).

We recommend to iterate using created parameter if you need to get more data than what you get out of our pagination restriction.

Get a Specific End User by ID

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

  "id": 2,
  "created_at": "2018-01-02 23:03:41 -0800",
  "updated_at": "2018-01-16 23:07:03 -0800",
  "email": "",
  "last_surveyed": "2018-01-07 15:30:44 -0800",
  "external_created_at": 1515940485,
  "last_seen_at": null,
  "properties": {
    "country": "UK",
    "persona": "Individual",
    "pricing_plan": "Lite",
    "product_plan": "Mobile",
    "purchase_date": 1494569021,
    "revenue_amount": 10000
  "phone_number": null,
  "external_id": "e9a12f9aa245cfd5",
  "last_response": {
    "id": 505550023,
    "score": 9,
    "text": "It's a great service.",
    "survey": {
      "channel": "mobile:ios"
  "settings": {
    "email_nps": true,
    "mobile_nps": true,
    "web_nps": true,
    "force_mobile_survey": null,
    "force_web_survey": null,
    "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific end user by id.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the end user to retrieve

Get a Specific End User by Email

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "lookup_by_email=true"

The above command returns the following JSON:

  "id": 2,
  "created_at": "2018-01-02 23:03:41 -0800",
  "updated_at": "2018-01-16 23:07:03 -0800",
  "email": "",
  "last_surveyed": "2018-01-07 15:30:44 -0800",
  "external_created_at": 1515940485,
  "last_seen_at": null,
  "properties": {
    "country": "UK",
    "persona": "Individual",
    "pricing_plan": "Lite",
    "product_plan": "Mobile",
    "purchase_date": 1494569021,
    "revenue_amount": 10000
  "phone_number": null,
  "external_id": "e9a12f9aa245cfd5",
  "last_response": {
    "id": 505550023,
    "score": 9,
    "text": "It's a great service.",
    "survey": {
      "channel": "mobile:ios"
  "settings": {
    "email_nps": true,
    "mobile_nps": true,
    "web_nps": true,
    "force_mobile_survey": null,
    "force_web_survey": null,
    "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific end user by email.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email The Email of the end user to retrieve
lookup_by_email (optional) Looks up the user by email if true. Default value is false

Get a Specific End User by External ID

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "lookup_by_external_id=true"

The above command returns the following JSON:

  "id": 3,
  "created_at": "2018-01-02 23:03:41 -0800",
  "updated_at": "2018-01-16 23:07:03 -0800",
  "email": "",
  "last_surveyed": "2018-01-07 15:30:44 -0800",
  "external_created_at": 1515940485,
  "last_seen_at": null,
  "properties": {
    "country": "UK",
    "persona": "Individual",
    "pricing_plan": "Lite",
    "product_plan": "Mobile",
    "purchase_date": 1494569021,
    "revenue_amount": 10000
  "phone_number": null,
  "external_id": "my-external-id-1234",
  "last_response": {
    "id": 505550023,
    "score": 9,
    "text": "It's a great service.",
    "survey": {
      "channel": "mobile:ios"
  "settings": {
    "email_nps": true,
    "mobile_nps": true,
    "web_nps": true,
    "force_mobile_survey": null,
    "force_web_survey": null,
    "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific end user by external_id.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
external_id The External ID of the end user to retrieve
lookup_by_eternal_id (optional) Looks up the user by external if true. Default value is false

Get a Specific End User by Phone Number

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

  "id": 2,
  "created_at": "2018-01-02 23:03:41 -0800",
  "updated_at": "2018-01-16 23:07:03 -0800",
  "email": "",
  "last_surveyed": "2018-01-07 15:30:44 -0800",
  "external_created_at": 1515940485,
  "last_seen_at": null,
  "properties": {
    "country": "UK",
    "persona": "Individual",
    "pricing_plan": "Lite",
    "product_plan": "Mobile",
    "purchase_date": 1494569021,
    "revenue_amount": 10000
  "phone_number": "+14155554131",
  "external_id": "e9a12f9aa245cfd5",
  "last_response": {
    "id": 505550023,
    "score": 9,
    "text": "It's a great service.",
    "survey": {
      "channel": "mobile:ios"
  "settings": {
    "email_nps": true,
    "mobile_nps": true,
    "web_nps": true,
    "force_mobile_survey": null,
    "force_web_survey": null,
    "surveys_disabled_by_end_user": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific end user by phone number.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
phone_number The Phone Number of the end user to retrieve. The phone number must be prefixed with ‘+’. If it’s just digits, it will look up by id.

Create End User

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "[company]=TestCompany&properties[city]=San Francisco"

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "email": "",
    "last_surveyed": "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "external_created_at": null,
    "created_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "updated_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "user_id": 1,
    "properties": "{'company':'TestCompany', 'city':'San Francisco'}"

This endpoint creates the end user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email End user’s email address
last_surveyed (optional) Date of last survey for the end user (UNIX Timestamp)
external_created_at (optional) Date of creation of the end user in external application (UNIX Timestamp)
external_id (optional) A unique string identifier
properties (optional) Hash of additional properties

Update End User

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "[company]=NewCompany&properties[city]=New Reno"

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "email": "",
    "last_surveyed": "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "external_created_at": null,
    "created_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "updated_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "user_id": 1,
    "properties": "{'company':'NewCompany', 'city':'New Reno'}"

This endpoint updates the end user with specified params.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
END_USER_ID The ID of the end user to update
email (optional) End User’s Email Address
last_surveyed (optional) Date of last survey for the end user (UNIX Timestamp)
external_created_at (optional) Date of creation of the end user in external application (UNIX Timestamp)
external_id (optional) A unique string identifier
properties (optional) Hash of additional properties

Delete End User

# Using the end user's ID:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

# Using the end user's email address:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "email": "",
    "last_surveyed": "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "external_created_at": null,
    "created_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "updated_at" : "2015-02-12T06:29:27.000-08:00",
    "user_id": 1,
    "properties": "{'company':'TestCompany', 'city':'San Francisco'}"

This endpoint marks the end user for deletion. Deletion would be scheduled the following day at 7 AM UTC. Depending on the size of our queues at the time it could take several hours to finish processing.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
end_user_id_or_email The ID or the email of the end user to delete

Export specific End User’s data

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns an empty JSON response. Inspect the response code to see if it was successsful or not:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

This endpoint schedules an export to be processed for the given end user ID, when the export file is ready we’ll send you an email with a link to the final JSON export file.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the end user to export


Response Object

A response object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of response
end_user_id integer The ID of end user
survey_id integer ID of the survey to which the response belongs
score integer The response’s score
text text The response’s comment
completed boolean Specifies if a response has been completed
excluded_from_calculations boolean Specifies if a response should be excluded from calculations
ip_address text The response’s IP address
origin_url text The response’s origin url
created_at datetime Datetime representation of when the response was created
updated_at datetime Datetime representation of when the response was last updated
tags string array The responses’s tags hash The end user properties at the moment the survey was taken

Get All Responses

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 1,
        "score": 0,
        "text": "Better performance would mean a higher score. Site is often slow.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:00 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:13 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
        "id": 2,
        "end_user_id": 2,
        "survey_id": 2,
        "score": 10,
        "text": "Great service.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2017-12-16 09:10:43 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2017-12-16 09:11:00 -0800",
        "tags": [],
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Web",
                "purchase_date": 1473177888,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
TIMESTAMP=$(date --date="2016-12-25" "+%s")
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "created[lt]=$TIMESTAMP"

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 1,
        "score": 0,
        "text": "Better performance would mean a higher score. Site is often slow.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:00 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:13 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves all responses for a user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your responses and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page (optional) integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page (optional) integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your responses by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc
excluded_from_calculations (optional) boolean false Include/exclude responses that were invalidated

We recommend to iterate using created parameter if you need to get more data than what you get out of our pagination restriction.

Get All End User’s Responses

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 1,
        "score": 0,
        "text": "Better performance would mean a higher score. Site is often slow.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:00 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:13 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
        "id": 3,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 3,
        "score": 5,
        "text": "Customer support STILL hasn't gotten back to me.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 10:30:02 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 10:31:00 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Web",
                "purchase_date": 1473177888,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves all responses for end user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your responses and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your responses by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc
excluded_from_calculations (optional) boolean false Include/exclude responses that were invalidated

We recommend to iterate using created parameter if you need to get more data than what you get out of our pagination restriction.

Get All Promoters Responses

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 6,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 6,
        "score": 9,
        "text": "Nice app.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 13:05:01 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 13:06:11 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Business User",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
        "id": 7,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 7,
        "score": 10,
        "text": "Awesome service! The whole world should know about you guys.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:22 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:21:10 -0800",
        "tags": [],
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Business User",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Web",
                "purchase_date": 1473177888,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves all promoters responses for end user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your promoters responses and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your responses by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc

Get All Passives Responses

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 4,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 4,
        "score": 7,
        "text": "Cool site.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 11:05:01 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 11:05:13 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
        "id": 5,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 5,
        "score": 8,
        "text": "Good service.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 12:00:02 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 12:01:00 -0800",
        "tags": [],
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Business User",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Web",
                "purchase_date": 1473177888,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves all passives responses for end user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your passives responses and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your responses by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc

Get All Detractors Responses

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 1,
        "score": 0,
        "text": "Better performance would mean a higher score. Site is often slow.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:00 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 09:05:13 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"
        "id": 3,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 3,
        "score": 5,
        "text": "Customer support STILL hasn't gotten back to me.",
        "completed": false,
        "excluded_from_calculations": false,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 10:30:02 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 10:31:00 -0800",
        "tags": [
        "notes": [],
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Web",
                "purchase_date": 1473177888,
                "revenue_amount": 5000,
                "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves all detractors responses for end user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your detractors responses and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your responses by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc

Get a Specific Response

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 2,
    "end_user_id": 2,
    "survey_id": 2,
    "score": 10,
    "text": "Great service.",
    "completed": false,
    "excluded_from_calculations": false,
    "ip_address": "",
    "origin_url": "",
    "created_at": "2016-12-16 09:10:43 -0800",
    "updated_at": "2016-12-16 09:11:00 -0800",
    "tags": [],
    "notes": [],
    "end_user": {
        "properties": {
            "persona": "Individual",
            "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
            "product_plan": "Web",
            "purchase_date": 1473177888,
            "revenue_amount": 5000,
            "items_array": "item1, item2"

This endpoint retrieves a specific response.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
id integer The ID of the decline to retrieve

Create Response

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "score=5&text=test response&ip_address="

This endpoint creates a response for the end user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
score integer The end user response score (values from 0 to 10)
ip_address text IP address the response originated from
origin_url text URL the response originated from
text (optional) text The end user comment to the response
created_at (optional) integer (UNIX timestamp) If present, will set ‘created_at’ of newly created decline to provided value (optional) hash An object containing the current properties for this end user. If supplied, the end user profile will be updated and the new properties will be associated to this response.

Update Response

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "completed=true&excluded_from_calculations=false"

The above command returns and empty response with status 204.

This endpoint updates an existing response.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The ID of the response to update
completed (optional) boolean Indicates if the response is complete
excluded_from_calculations (optional) boolean Indicates if the response is invalid (optional) hash An object containing the new set of properties for this response. This will only update the properties that the end user had at this point in time. The current end user properties won’t be updated. Since this feature allows to edit historical data, it’s not enabled by default. Please contact us to enable it. A 423 error will be returned when attempting to use this feature if it’s not enabled.

Delete Response

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns and empty response with status 204.

This endpoint deletes an end user response.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
response_id integer The ID of the response to delete


Decline Object

A decline object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of decline
end_user_id integer The ID of end user
survey_id integer ID of the survey to which the decline belongs
ip_address text The decline’s IP address
origin_url text The decline’s origin url
created_at datetime Datetime representation of when the decline was created
updated_at datetime Datetime representation of when the decline was last updated hash The end user properties at the moment the survey was taken

Get All Declines

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 10,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000
        "id": 2,
        "end_user_id": 2,
        "survey_id": 11,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:21:10 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:21:10 -0800",
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Business User",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000

This endpoint retrieves all declines for the user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your declines and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your declines by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc

We recommend to iterate using created parameter if you need to get more data than what you get out of our pagination restriction.

Get All End User’s Declines

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

        "id": 1,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 10,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000
        "id": 3,
        "end_user_id": 1,
        "survey_id": 12,
        "ip_address": "",
        "origin_url": "",
        "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:22:41 -0800",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:22:41 -0800",
        "end_user": {
            "properties": {
                "persona": "Individual",
                "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
                "product_plan": "Mobile",
                "purchase_date": 1473177881,
                "revenue_amount": 5000

This endpoint retrieves all declines for end user.

HTTP Request


Scope Parameters

Scope parameters filter your declines and can also be chained together by passing multiple scope parameters in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 Number of returned page, max 30
per_page integer 25 Number of records returned on each page, max 50
created hash {} Filter your declines by time of creation (UNIX timestamp type) - eq, lt, lte, gt, gte (created[gt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP &created[lt]=UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
sort_order (optional) string desc Order in which records are shown. Default is newest first. Options are asc or desc

Get a Specific Decline

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "end_user_id": 1,
    "survey_id": 10,
    "ip_address": "",
    "origin_url": "",
    "created_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
    "updated_at": "2016-12-16 14:20:43 -0800",
    "end_user": {
        "properties": {
            "persona": "Individual",
            "pricing_plan": "Small Business",
            "product_plan": "Mobile",
            "purchase_date": 1473177881,
            "revenue_amount": 5000

This endpoint retrieves a specific decline.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
id integer The ID of the decline to retrieve

Create Decline

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

This endpoint creates a decline for the end user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
origin_url (optional) string URL of the decline origin
created_at (optional) integer (UNIX timestamp) If present, will set ‘created_at’ of newly created decline to provided value (optional) hash An object containing the current properties for this end user. If supplied, the end user profile will be updated and the new properties will be associated to this decline.

Update Decline

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "end_user[properties][persona]=Individual"

The above command returns and empty response with status 204.

This endpoint updates an existing decline.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The ID of the response to update (optional) hash An object containing the new set of properties for this decline. This will only update the properties that the end user had at this point in time. The current end user properties won’t be updated. Since this feature allows to edit historical data, it’s not enabled by default. Please contact us to enable it. A 423 error will be returned when attempting to use this feature if it’s not enabled.

Delete Decline

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns and empty response with status 204.

This endpoint deletes a decline for the end user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
end_user_id integer The ID of the end user
decline_id integer The ID of the decline to delete

End User Settings

End User Settings Object

A end user settings object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of end user settings
end_user_id integer The ID of end user
created_at datetime Datetime representation of when the end user settings were created
updated_at datetime Datetime representation of when the end user settings was last updated
email_nps boolean Specifies whether end user should receive a survey through an email
mobile_nps boolean Specifies whether end user should receive a survey through our mobile SDK
web_nps boolean Specifies whether end user should receive a survey through our web SDK
force_web_survey boolean Flag to override sampling settings. It will make the end user immediately available for a survey via our web SDK
force_mobile_survey boolean Flag to override sampling settings. It will make the end user immediately available for a survey via our mobile SDK

Get Specific End User Settings

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "created_at":"2015-04-20 04:46:51-08:00",
    "updated_at":"2015-04-20 04:46:51-08:00",

This endpoint retrieves a specific end users settings.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
end_user_id The ID of the end user

Update End User Settings

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "" -d "email_nps=false&force_web_survey=true"

The above command returns the following JSON:


This endpoint updates the end users settings with specified params.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
end_user_id The ID of the end user to update
email_nps (optional) whether or not end user should receive NPS survey through an email


NPS Object

An NPS object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
nps integer NPS for a given date range
responses integer Number of responses for a given date range
detractors integer Number of detractors for a given date range
passives integer Number of passives for a given date range
promoters integer Number of promoters for a given date range
response_rate integer Response rate percentage for a given date range
email_response_rate integer Email response rate percentage for a given date range

Get NPS summary

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

# With params

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" "'YYYY-MM-DD'&date%5Bend%5D='YYYY-MM-DD'"

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "nps": 55,
    "responses": 75,
    "detractors": 5,
    "passives": 24,
    "promoters": 46,
    "response_rate": 92,
    "email_response_rate": 0

This endpoint retrieves the NPS summary for the specified date range. If no date range is specified, the API returns NPS summary for the last month.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
date (optional) hash {} NPS summary by start date (optional) and end date (optional) (date[start]='YYYY-MM-DD'&date[end]='YYYY-MM-DD')


Segment Object

A Segment object has the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
name string Name of the segment
data_type string One of string, date or integer representing the segment data type
created_at datetime Datetime representation of when the segment was created

Get All Segments

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""

The above command returns the following JSON:

    "name": "persona",
    "data_type": "string",
    "created_at": "2017-02-01 12:12:50 -0800"
    "name": "pricing_plan",
    "data_type": "string",
    "created_at": "2017-02-01 12:12:50 -0800"
    "name": "product_plan",
    "data_type": "string",
    "created_at": "2017-02-01 12:12:50 -0800"
    "name": "purchase_date",
    "data_type": "date",
    "created_at": "2017-02-01 12:12:50 -0800"
    "name": "revenue_amount",
    "data_type": "integer",
    "created_at": "2017-02-01 12:12:50 -0800"

This endpoint retrieves all segments for an account.

HTTP Request



The Wootric API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is incorrect
401 Unauthorized – Your access token is wrong
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

Survey Templates

This endpoint retrieves information about all your Survey Templates.

# Example with custom product_name and audience_text

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" ""
// Response

  "default_survey_template_id": XXXX,
  "survey_templates": [
      "id": XXXX,
      "name": "Your default NPS survey",
      "default_language": "en",
      "languages": [
      "id": XXXX,
      "name":"Alternate Survey",
      "languages": [
      "non_configured_language_count": 2,

Email Survey

// Basic Example

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=myaccesstoken" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[custom_messages][followup_text]=Thank you!" \
  -d "subject=Would you mind sharing your thoughts about our service?" \
  -d "intro=We want you to be our customer for life. That's why your opinion matters."
Param Type Description
emails String Array End user emails to survey
survey_immediately Boolean Override eligibility check
end_user Hash End user properties name as String
survey_settings Hash See survey_settings parameters below
subject String Override default subject line (standard NPS/CES/CSAT question used by default). Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
intro String Intro message for your email. Displayed between logo and question. Default: none. Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
context Hash Array Array of hashes containing the values to be replaced in subject and/or intro
senders_name String Override senders name
reply_to_email String Override reply-to email
delay Integer Days we will wait before sending the survey. Delay is optional and it must be between 1 and 31 days.
external_ids String Array External ids for each end user.

Email Survey showing Subject and Intro: Compact Survey

# Example with end_user properties

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[custom_messages][followup_text]=Thank you!" \
  -d "end_user[properties][campaign_name]=Campaign Name&end_user[properties][campaign_type]=Campaign Type"
# Example with custom intro and subject

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[logo_url]=" \
  -d "survey_settings[custom_messages][followup_text]=Thank you!" \
  -d "end_user[properties][campaign_name]=Campaign Name&end_user[properties][campaign_type]=Campaign Type" \
  -d "subject=Would you mind sharing your thoughts about our {{service}}?" \
  -d "intro=Tell us why you like {{color}} so much." \
  -d "context[][service]=internet, laundry" \
  -d "context[][color]=red, blue"
# Example with senders name and reply-to email

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "senders_name=Sender Name" \
  -d ""
# Example of an 8 day delay

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "delay=8"
# Example of sampling override.

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]" \
  -d "survey_settings[sampling][first_survey_delay]=10" \
  -d "survey_settings[sampling][registered_percent]=50"
# Example of multiple external_ids.

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "emails[]," \
  -d "external_ids[]=42-JOHN-USA,21-HARRY-UK"

survey_settings parameters

Param Type Description
language String
logo_url String
audience_text String
product_name String
custom_messages Hash See custom_messages parameters below
sampling Hash See sampling parameters below

custom_messages parameters

Param Type
followup_text String
detractor_followup_text String
passive_followup_text String
promoter_followup_text String
prompt_text String
detractor_prompt_text String
passive_prompt_text String
promoter_prompt_text String

sampling parameters

You may use these parameters to overwrite the settings you have in your Wootric settings panel.

Param Type Description
first_survey_delay Integer Number of days that have to pass since end user’s created_at to show a survey
response_throttle Integer Number of days that have to pass after answering a survey to be eligible again
decline_throttle Integer Number of days that have to pass after declining a survey to be eligible again
registered_percent Integer Chances from 0 to 100 to serve a survey

Email Survey CSV

This endpoint will let you send email surveys in bulk using a CSV file. The CSV file should contain at least an email column, the rest of the columns are either special columns (detailed below) or custom properties that will be added to the email surveys.

// Basic Example using a CSV file (FILE.csv)

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv"
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[custom_messages][followup_text]=Thank you!" \
  -d "subject=Would you mind sharing your thoughts about our service?" \
  -d "intro=We want you to be our customer for life. That's why your opinion matters."

CSV file



email,First Name, Last Name, Company Name,Bob,Smith,InMoment,Jane,Jones,InMoment,Enrique,Rodriguez,ER Inc.

CSV Columns

Special columns names

Context variables


These “context” variables, if present, will be available as variables to use in variable interpolation. For example, if you pass the subject parameter as “Hello {{first_name}}!” and you add a context variable column to your CSV file (___context:first_name), then each email survey (each row in the file) will use the value of the ___context:first_name as first_name and that value will be interpolated to resolve the email subject. Resulting in email subjects like “Hello John!”, “Hello Anne”, etc.


The language column corresponds to the language code that should be found in each row of the file.

  1. This is only for multi-language accounts.
  2. To use a multi-language column it’s required to send survey_settings[language] set to multi_language and pass the survey template used as a parameter survey_settings[survey_template_id]. Check out the survey templates API to see the list of survey templates and available languages configured in your account.
  3. All language code values for this column in the CSV should match exactly the language codes configured for the survey template you are using.

Column Naming Reminder:

Param Type Description
csv File CSV file with end user data OR a Base64 encoded String with CSV data (“Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet” in RFC 4648)
subject String Override default subject line (standard NPS/CES/CSAT question used by default). Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
intro String Intro message for your email. Displayed between logo and question. Default: none. Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
context Hash Array Array of hashes containing the values to be replaced in subject and/or intro
senders_name String Override senders name
reply_to_email String Override reply-to email
delay Integer Days we will wait before sending the survey. Delay is optional and it must be between 1 and 31 days.
delivery_time String UTC time of the day to deliver emails (format: hh:mm) in 24 hs format.
custom_sender_email String Custom sender email.
send_to_email_field String Column containing the email address of the receiver.
unique_identifier_field String Field used to set the email of the end user (require send_to_email_field).
survey_immediately Boolean Override eligibility check
survey_settings Hash See survey_settings parameters below

Email Survey showing Subject and Intro: Compact Survey

# Example with custom intro and subject

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[logo_url]=" \
  -d "survey_settings[custom_messages][followup_text]=Thank you!" \
  -d "subject=Would you mind sharing your thoughts about our {{service}}?" \
  -d "intro=Tell us why you like {{color}} so much."



# Example with custom product_name and audience_text

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[audience_text]={{region}} division" \
  -d "survey_settings[product_name]=Our Product {{color}}"



# Example with multi-language
# Keep in mind that you will need to provide a valid survey_template_id that has settings
# for each one of the languages used in the CSV file (in the "___language" column)

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "survey_settings[survey_template_id]=888"



# Example with senders name and reply-to email

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "senders_name=Sender Name" \
  -d ""



# Example of an 8 days delay

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true" \
  -d "delay=8"
# Example of sampling override.

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=FILE.csv" \
  -d "survey_settings[sampling][first_survey_delay]=10" \
  -d "survey_settings[sampling][registered_percent]=50"


email,Region,Country,Project Name,EMEA,USA,Project One,LATAM,Argentina,Assessment Project

Corresponding BASE64_STRING:


# Example using a Base64 encoded string

curl "" \
  -d "access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
  -d "csv=$BASE64_STRING" \
  -d "survey_immediately=true"

survey_settings parameters

Param Type Description
logo_url String
survey_template_id Integer
audience_text String Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
product_name String Can handle placeholder values surrounded by {{my_value}}
custom_messages Hash See custom_messages parameters below
sampling Hash See sampling parameters below

custom_messages parameters

Param Type
followup_text String
detractor_followup_text String
passive_followup_text String
promoter_followup_text String
prompt_text String
detractor_prompt_text String
passive_prompt_text String
promoter_prompt_text String

sampling parameters

You may use these parameters to overwrite the settings you have in your Wootric settings panel.

Param Type Description
first_survey_delay Integer Number of days that have to pass since end user’s created_at to show a survey
response_throttle Integer Number of days that have to pass after answering a survey to be eligible again
decline_throttle Integer Number of days that have to pass after declining a survey to be eligible again
registered_percent Integer Chances from 0 to 100 to serve a survey